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There's no weird secret handshake required.

When we both started our careers in school counseling  decades ago, we didn’t think we’d be the presidents of any club.

Then again, there’s a lot of things we didn’t think we’d be doing as counselors. Like watching the sun rise and set from the tiny windows in our offices. Or running whole class lessons in a classroom. We certainly didn’t think we’d be expected to create whole curriculums or collect and present data. Not to mention, sitting through soul-sucking professional development workshops that were obviously meant for teachers and not counselors. Neither one of us envisioned that our careers in counseling could be so lonely at times.

All of those unexpected experiences are what called us to create a club for dedicated counselors like yourself. This job can be demanding, confusing, and sometimes even isolating. But it’s also incredibly rewarding. We want counselors to remember how joyful and impactful being a school counselor can be. Together, we can do that!

So consider this your official invitation to Perks! It’s not a secret society and there’s no weird secret handshake or password to learn, just a desire to reignite the joy in your professional life and to share with others. If that’s you (and I feel like it is), we can’t wait for you to join the club of over 600 counselors just like you. We have fun here! This is school counseling made easy.

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I Need More Info For My Admin!

Have you found yourself sitting in your office, eating your emotional support chocolate, and asking yourself…

What is a “high quality” lesson?

 I’m supposed to deliver a whole class lesson? Meaning like…to all of them?!

How do I juggle the planning, delivery, and data collecting with a full caseload?

 There’s only 24 hours in my day…right?

Am I the only one to feel like this?

You need me to do what??!!

Say No More! Count Me In!

▶▶   Feel confident that you have the right lesson, resource, and year-long curriculum to meet the needs of all the students on your caseload?

▶▶   Learn the lesson delivery and classroom management skills and techniques necessary to lead successful classroom lessons??


▶▶  Skillfully collect useful data and actually understand how to use it?

▶▶  Reclaim your time so you feel energized, enthused, and efficient instead of and frantic and frustrated?

▶▶  Have a community of other counselors who get it to support you and help you grow?

▶▶ Save your emergency chocolate stash for actual emergencies?



Monthly payments

  • Instant access to Carol & Brandy's print 'n go library of over $1000 worth of resources to create a Comprehensive School Counseling Program
  • Members only community plus a FB group for the ultimate collaboration & support
  • Turn-key Tier 1, 2 & 3 resources and units for the whole year
  • Scope & Sequence for easy multi-grade planning
  • PD for college credit
  • Counselor Planner for the Current Year
  • Interactive Digital Planner for the Current Year
  • Templates and Forms for Counseling Systems
  • Requests for New Resources
  • Cancel Anytime                                                                                          
Sign Me Up



Pay annually and get 2 free months!

  • Instant access to Carol & Brandy's print 'n go library of over $1000 worth of resources to create a Comprehensive School Counseling Program
  • Members only community plus a FB group for the ultimate collaboration & support
  • Turn-key Tier 1, 2 & 3 resources and units for the whole year
  • Scope & Sequence for easy multi-grade planning 
  • PD for college credit
  • Counselor Planner for the Current Year
  • Interactive Digital Planner for the Current Year
  • Templates and Forms for Counseling Systems 
  • 2 months free ($59 savings)
  • First in line for Requests for New Resources
  • Cancel Anytime
Sign Me Up
District Info and Pricing


The Perks isn’t one of those clubs that demands your time. In fact, it’s about reclaiming your time. There’s no volunteer sign-up sheet, no log of time spent, and no badges to earn.  Just you growing, learning, and getting into your counseling groove at your own pace, on your own time, and on a schedule that works for you!


If you can’t make the monthly webinars and Q&A’s, don’t get around to using the monthly resources, don’t want to use certain parts of the curriculum, or can’t participate in a challenge…THAT’S OKAY! The beauty of the monthly membership is that it’s all on-demand. Take what you need when you need it, join us when you can, and relax!

Let's recap: Here's what you get when you join

  • Growing collection of on-demand training and professional development sessions  ($397 value)
  • A growing collection of lesson plans for primary and upper elementary/middle school,  group curriculum, and individual counseling resources (over $1000 value and growing!)
  • Growing resource library of ready-to-use tiered interventions, templates, forms, and more ($500 value)
  • Monthly networking session - our monthly buzz ($67/month value)
  • Monthly Bonus Resources that change with the seasons (5-10 extra themed resources) ($50+ value)
  • Private Facebook community (priceless)

That’s over $1500 worth of content and resources and growing daily.

I want to join Perks Counseling Club!


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